September Meetings
GCGC and FMLC Garden Council are meeting this month
FMLCGC Meeting is September 14th
Garden Council Headquarters
2166 Virginia Ave
Fort Myers, FL
The topic is “T
he Lovely Orchid” and the speaker is John Hampton of the SWFL Orchid Society.Hospitality 9 – 9:30
Meeting 9:30 – 11:30
The latest edition of The Courier has a lot of information about events in our area. Please click
here to read it.
GCGC Meeting was on September 10th
Our September meeting was at the home of
Pat Townsend
10 a.m.- Noon
Suzy and Rose have been busy putting together a booklet on Arranging/Design – Whatever. It will contain good basic information for everyone – not flower show oriented! Enjoy what you have growing and how to use it in your home. Easy, fun and full of great tips!