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2025 Flower Show

1. Show dates: Correct show dates are – setup on March 20 and show on March 21-22. The show has basically been moved forward one week.
2. Setup time: 12-2:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 20 2025.
3. Entries: 2:30-4 p.m on Thursday, March 20, 2025 and 9-10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 21, 2025. We must be out of the Library by 4:15.
4. Removal of Entries: All must be removed between 3 – 3:45 p.m. on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
5. We must be out of the Library by 4:20 p.m., so everyone’s help will be needed in breaking down the show and cleaning up the exhibition room in a timely manner.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Dale DeFeo, Flower Show 2025 General Chairman
at dwdefeo1@aol.com or 239-301-2044.
Plant Sale
Birth-Month Flowers
from: https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/just-for-fun/g46277544/birth-month-flowers/
and https://theamericanhouse.com/tips-tricks/09886709/2022/07/12-birth-month-flowers/
January – Carnation & Snowdrop
January’s birth flowers are the amazing carnation and the snowdrop. Carnations are those amazingly colorful blooms that symbolize devotion, love, and also loyalty. Carnations also symbolize perseverance, as they are the only flowers that keep on thriving from summer, right into winter.
Also, the pure white you see on snowdrop flowers stands as a symbol of innocence and purity.
Snowdrops are seen as a symbol of true beauty and hope, as they are one of the first flowers that grow as winter comes to an end.
In some parts of the folklore, snowdrops are seen as bad luck, because they often grow in cemeteries and churchyards.
February – Violet & Primrose
Interestingly enough, the birth flower month of love is not really the rose. Would you believe it’s actually the violet and the primrose? Violets stand as a symbol of virtue, modesty, and humility. These extremely beautiful and vivid purple flowers have been around for quite some time now.
The flower has this magnificent heart-shaped petal, which many people believe to be the main reason why they were extremely used in love potions. Also, primrose flowers stand for youth, young love, and even everlasting existence.
Even the word “primrose” comes from the Latin word “primus”, which stands for “early” or “first”, meaning that the primrose is one of the first flowers to bloom in spring.
March – Daffodil & Jonquil
Those who are born in March are very used to seasonal change, and the birth month flowers that symbolize this period are daffodils and jonquils. These amazing blooms stand for new beginnings and are a very positive life-affirming symbol. Daffodils and jonquils are extremely strong and resilient, and their beautifully colored yellow and white petals are symbolizing happiness and hope. March babies are often seen as extremely optimistic and happy. The color of these tiny yellow flowers, besides the fact that they are some of the first flowers that bloom after colder months, align just right.
April – Daisy & Sweet Pea
The flowers of April are the well-known daisy and sweet peas. The humble daisy stands for purity, innocence, and true loyalty. It is also known that the flower is the perfect symbol of motherhood, which is one of the reasons why this flower is often gifted to new mothers. In the language of flowers, the beautiful sweet peas stand for goodbye and thank you for such a wonderful time, which makes them ideal as a farewell gift. The pop of color they have lightens up gardens and bouquets, and it’s very representative of these delicate, blissful flowers.
May – Lily Of The Valley & Hawthorn
Those who are born in May probably know already that the lily of the valley and hawthorn are the flowers that bloom at that time. Lily of the valley flowers stands for purity, humility, and sweetness. These flowers bloom only for a short period of time, which makes them extremely rare and exclusive. According to Victorian times, these flowers were also seen as a symbol of “returning to happiness”. However, the hawthorn is also known as the May tree. This extremely delicate flower has so many meanings and symbols, especially in Irish folklore.
Hawthorn flowers stand for protection and love for everything that surrounds you. Because they have such berry-like fruits, hawthorn is also known as a symbol of fertility.
June – Rose & Honeysuckle
One of the most beautiful flowers of June is also the most popular one. Now we will get to present you with the marvelous rose. Roses have been cherished for a very long time, due to their elegant and classic beauty. The ancient Greeks and Romans usually connect roses to love and deep passion. Even if this flower is the most famous symbol of love, it can also have different meanings, depending on the color. Red roses are for romantic love, while yellow ones stand for friendship. Honeysuckle flowers are extremely loved for their sweet-smelling yellow, pink, and white flowers.
They are often seen as a symbol of pure happiness, affection, and sweetness. The flowers usually grow from climbing vines, which makes them extremely resilient, symbolizing nothing less but devotion and bonds that last for a lifetime.
July – Larkspur & Water Lilies
Larkspur is one of July’s birth month flowers and is often associated with dignity and positivity. Just like roses, the meaning of larkspur flowers might vary, depending on the color. Even so, the true meaning of this flower stands for an open, welcoming, and loving heart. Even if their name might imply differently, water lilies aren’t really a type of lily. These beautiful freshwater plants might take their meaning from Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
They often stand for innocence, purity, and fertility, and the way that these flowers emerge from mud stands for enlightenment and rebirth.
August – Gladiolus & Poppy
Gladiolus flowers are one of the most beautiful flowers out there, with their striking blossoms and stunning pointe tips. They are extremely popular in the late summer and bloom in a wide range of colors. “Gladiolus” comes from the Latin word gladius, which stands for “sword”. The flower’s name is roughly translated to “sword lily”. Gladiolus flowers are the symbol of strength, moral integrity, and generosity. The other August flower is the poppy, and it has different meanings all over the world.
Poppy stands for relaxation and recovery, as they have been known to offer calming, healing effects since ancient times. Even more recently, the red poppies are the symbol of Remembrance for WW1 and hope for a more peaceful future.
September – Aster & Morning Glory
The first birth month flower of the season is the aster. These flowers are the symbol of love, wisdom, valor, and faith. The aster flower originates from the Greek word “star”, as the flower’s shape looks like a star. Morning glory flowers, on the other hand, take their name from the fact that the bell-shaped flowers last only one day.
They stand for love, affection, and the essence of life. Morning glory birth month flowers represent the way September babies are so affectionate, humble, and extremely spontaneous people. I think these flowers are perfect for these people!
October – Marigold & Cosmos
The traditional birth flower month of the season is the bright and bold marigold. These orange flowers are known for their strong and spicy fragrance. Marigolds are definitely one of autumn’s hardiest flowers, and as a result, they are considered to be representative of a fierce will and determination to succeed.
Another fragrant bloom, the bright and beautiful cosmos flower stands for peace and tranquility.
November – Chrysanthemum
November’s birth flower is nothing less than a celebratory one, and that is the chrysanthemum. These flowers were cultivated for the first time in the 15th Century in China, and are known to be extremely versatile. They’re also available in a wide range of colors, each one of which is purely symbolic.
December – Narcissus & Holly
In winter, the first birth month flower is the narcissus, which is an extremely cheerful yellow flower named after a famous character from Greek mythology. Narcissus was so in love with himself, that he drowned in a pool of water while admiring his own reflection.
Even so, narcissus flowers have nothing to do with vanity. They also stand for new beginnings, rebirth, and rejuvenation. These blooms are also extremely representative of faithfulness, thanks to their ability to bloom year after year.
The perfect plant for December babies is the holly bushes, as their flowers are the symbol of Christmas and the festive season.
Indoor Plants for Respiratory Problems
from: https://theamericanhouse.com/768/yahoo/1114794/20014/best-indoor-plants-for-respiratory-problems
The 10 best indoor plants that do a great job for your lungs reducing respiratory
problems, so start growing them right away!
- Spider Plant
Spider plants work as an antioxidant as they successfully eliminate harsh chemicals found in
furniture and cleaning products such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde and ammonia. This indoor
plant is pretty easy to grow and improves air quality immediately. According to this study made by
NASA, the spider plant can remove up to 90% of the indoor air pollutants in just two days. Amazing,
isn’t it?
So, if you’re struggling with asthma or allergies, consider purchasing some indoor plants. If you
already own a few, you’re already one step ahead. Research suggests that older plants are actually
doing a better job purifying the indoor air and processing out pollutants — so take care of your
plants, and they will take care of you. - Snake Plant
The Snake Plant is extremely effective at absorbing harsh chemicals such as benzene,
formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide —all of these chemicals can cause nose and throat irritation
— and other harsh pollutants found in indoor air. It also produces oxygen while absorbing CO2 at
night and has been shown to help with airborne allergies.
A study made at Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand confirms that the snake plant can
absorb CO2 in a closed system at 0.49 ppm/m3.
Also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue in different parts of the world, this indoor plant is very easy
to take care of. They grow in both low and full light conditions and don’t need a lot of water. As a
result, the snake plant is definitely ideal for beginners. - Peace Lily
The peace lily does an excellent job of preventing many respiratory and lung issues. According to
one Japanese study, this indoor plant absorbs volatile organic compounds — also known as VOCs
— through its leaves just as well as golden pothos. It also absorbs acetone, which can cause
fatigue, hypotension, and slurred speech.
Even the NASA study mentioned earlier has found that peace lilies are quite effective at removing
pollutants from the air. They absorb the chemicals from the air through their leaves sending them to
their roots, where microbes found in the soil break them.
This indoor plant can even absorb mold spores as food! This makes the peace lily very useful in
areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms because it keeps the mold at bay. - Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are very good at improving indoor air quality because they produce more chlorophyll
than other indoor plants, which means more oxygen. Allergies, asthma, illness and frequent
headaches are some of the issues caused by airborne particles in your house. According to the
same NASA study, rubber plants also remove toluene, xylene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde,
all of which are the main drivers of indoor air pollution.
They can eliminate up to 90% of the chemicals found in your home in just two days! The leaves grow
pretty fast and contribute to the absorption of toxic substances like mold and other allergens,
making it an ideal plant for those who struggle with common dust allergies. - Cascade Palm
Two of the main pollutants found in your house — toluene and xylene — can have some serious
negative impacts on your health. For instance, xylene can cause headaches, and dizziness, but also
nose, eye, and throat irritation while toluene can cause tiredness.
Since these two airborne particles are so harmful to human health, it’s fantastic that the areca
palm keeps them at bay. If you want to improve the quality of the air you breathe, you should
definitely grow this indoor plant!
Not only will you have these two chemicals removed from your house, but you’ll also breathe
fresher air because cascade palm adds moisture to the air preventing it from getting dry. - Aloe Vera
A lot of people already own aloe vera in their homes since it has a great healing ability. But this
indoor plant is also excellent when it comes to improving the air quality. In the same study made by
NASA, it has been shown that aloe vera removes formaldehyde and benzene, two main VOCs found
in a typical house.
The plant was proven to be very effective in constantly filtering out formaldehyde. Even though it’s
pretty simple to maintain an aloe vera, don’t worry if you see some brown spots on your plant. This
doesn’t mean it will die, but the opposite. Those brown spots are the sign that your aloe vera
absorbs a high level of benzene, so the plant acts as a natural air purifier. - Pothos Plant
According to recent research, the pothos plant — also known as pothos ivy or devil’s ivy —can filter
the surrounding air from toxins and volatile organic compounds. Some reputable institutions have
even ranked the pothos plant as the best air-purifying indoor plant since it can remove benzene,
toluene, and carbon monoxide from the ambient air.
If your house is located in an industrial area or near a busy road, your indoor air has a high amount
of pollutants. This means you’re constantly inhaling those toxins which can seriously affect your
health. But your green pal pothos plant can rescue you.
Tip: The pothos plant does best in medium sunlight, but it will withstand very low light as well. - English Ivy
Many studies have shown that English ivy is one of the top air-purifying plants out there. It’s very
effective in removing many VOCs like toluene, benzene, trichloroethylene and octane. It’s also a
great plant that improves respiratory health, particularly for people who struggle with asthma or
Other studies concluded that English ivy can decrease the number of mold particles which can be
seen as black and green spots showing up in the damp corners of your home. They can be quite
harmful to people who suffer from mold allergies.
This plant also has one of the greatest transpiration rates boosting the humidity levels of a room. It
minimizes the amount of carbon monoxide which improves the quality of the air you breathe. - Areca Palm
This indoor plant was part of the research made by NASA as well, where it showed an incredible
potential to remove carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde from the surrounding air,
which are quite dangerous to lung health.
According to another research published this year, the areca palm does a great job removing
acetaldehyde, a biomarker responsible for acute respiratory distress syndrome. Also known as
ARDS, this life-threatening condition can cause breathing problems by allowing fluid to leak into the
If you struggle with asthma or respiratory issues and you’re worried that the air you breathe isn’t
helping you at all, get yourself an areca palm! - Eucalyptus
Everyone knows that drinking lots of fluids and sipping some chicken soup may ease symptoms of
flu or cold-related illness. What if we told you there’s another way to relieve those symptoms?
Hanging a bundle of eucalyptus in your bathroom provides an aromatherapeutic addition to your
shower routine since the essential oils of the herb are released by the steam and heat. But this
indoor plant doesn’t just smell good. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties found in
eucalyptus’ natural oils can help reduce congestion and beat back colds. The tannins found in the
eucalyptus plant also increase healthy fluids in the body’s respiratory system.
Council Calendar Jan-May 2025
Tips from the Garden Lovers Website
The links below take you to the Garden Lovers Club website.
Tips for Getting Your Orchids to Bloom Again
How to Transplant Poinsettias (Guide)
15 Low-Maintenance Container Plants
Tips for Growing Cape Fuchsia
Tips for Christmas Cactus Cuttings
In case you missed these articles:
Keeping Your Poinsettias ALIVE!
18 Quaint Cottage Garden Designs Bursting With Color
Why Are My Christmas Cactus Leaves Turning Purple?
Overwintering Hibiscus
Meeting Hospitality Volunteers
Please contact Sue Masters to volunteer to provide treats for a future meeting.
Jan 13 HOSTESS: Robin Porter
1. Sue Masters
2. Robin Porter
Feb 10 HOSTESS: Reggie Wilson
1. Reggie Wilson
March 10 HOSTESS: Pat Townsend
1. Pat Townsend
2. Suzanne Pindyck
May 12 HOSTESS: Mary King
1. Claire Flynn
Please thank the following for the hospitality sessions at the following meetings:
Oct 21 HOSTESS: Laura Sullivan
1. Rosemary DiLorenzo
2. Marilyn Doll
3. Lorna O’Hara
4. Laura Sullivan
Nov 11 HOSTESS: Ann Marie Dooley
Pat Townsend
Ellen Milotte
Ann Marie Doolie Deviled Eggs
Michelle Gilbert
Berne Davis Garden Schedule
October 21, 2024 Meeting
Cathy Via presented a talk on Growing Herbs in SW Florida
Meeting Photos by Anina Bachrach
Cathy Via recommended using herb boxes – here are some available on Amazon. SiliFine 6 Set Window Herb Planter Box Self Watering Plant Pots 10.6 Inch Rectangular Herb Planter Pots Decorative Garden Flower Pots for Indoor Plants, Herbs, Succulent,Vegetables, Flowers.
Amazon/Prime: $30.
For the Nov. meeting: Pave floral arrangements are a meticulous style of floral design where flowers are arranged tightly together, creating a smooth, even surface that resembles a floral mosaic. The term “pavé” is derived from the French word for “paved,” as the flowers are placed closely, much like the stones in a cobblestone street.
Floral arranging
In floral arrangements, a pavé design is created by trimming leaves, cutting stems short, and placing flower heads close together. This technique can be used to create intricate designs, support mechanics, or create a uniform surface. Pavé arrangements can be low and layered, and look great on coffee tables, desks, or as a centerpiece.