Monthly Archives: March 2021

March 8, 2021 Meeting

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photos from Bob Cook’s presentation “Pests in the Garden”
Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2021

March 8, 2021 Meeting




PROGRAM – “Pests in the Garden” – Bob Cook, Florida Nursery Grower & Landscaper, and teacher of Certified Horticultural Professional classes.


Board Positions (Secretary, Membership and Treasurer).  These positions need to be filled; however, the current officers have agreed to remain until Fall.

Flower Show.- February 25-26, 2022.  Need a chairperson to coordinate. Karen Hauwiller has been working with Kathleen Hawryluk on writing the schedule.  Please let Karen know if you are willing to chair this event or  help in any capacity.





BLUE STAR MEMORIAL – Monday, March 29, 2021 at 2:00 PM. Diane Schmidt volunteered to help finalize the event. If you plan to attend please send an email to Diane.


Also on the agenda for Monday’s meeting will be approval of the February 8, 2021, minutes and the budget for 2021-2022. Click here to read the minutes, and here to read the budget.

Message March 2021

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Happy March!

We are so lucky to have sunshine, blue skies, and flowers here in SW Florida. I know that I have missed getting together, seeing everyone, and sharing information. I have learned so much about Southwest Florida gardening from GCGC.

The GCGC Board of Directors just finished our March Board meeting and there were important decisions to communicate to members.

Our President, Pat Townsend, is still being treated in the hospital for a blood clot in her foot.  Pat needs to concentrate on her recovery.  Any notes or cards can be mailed to Pat’s home address. The rest of the board is working hard, doing our best under present circumstances: COVID limitations, trying to get a vaccine scheduled, everyday life, etc.

  1. Exciting news! We are going to start having in-person meetings again beginning with our next club year’s calendar. Our first meeting would be on October 11, 2021.  This also means that we can plan outings and excursions.

    We still have Board positions that need to be filled: Secretary, Membership, Treasurer. All clubs need member participation to be viable, and so far no one has communicated a willingness to help on the Board.  Present board members have agreed to stay in their positions until Fall.
  2. The Blue Star Memorial dedication is planned for Monday, March 29, 2021, at 2pm.  The event will be held outside at the site of the marker.

    If you have not yet seen our marker, it is located near the corner of Old 41 and Reynolds St in Bonita Springs.

    If you plan to attend, please email me at and let me know, so we can plan accordingly.  The dedication marks a major milestone for our club.
  3. Save April 12. 2021 for our annual April luncheon. Since there are no installations to perform at this time, the luncheon will be an opportunity to get together and socialize. More information to follow. 

— Diane Schmidt
Past President