The follow was sent to National Garden Club, Florida Federated Garden Clubs, Fort Myers News-Press, Naples Daily News, Florida Weekly and other smaller newspapers as a press release.
(photos by Anina Bach)
The Gulf Coast Garden Club (GCGC) dedicated the first Blue Star Marker on Old US 41 and Reynolds in Bonita Springs recently. The GCGC adopted the Blue Star Marker Program and for four years raised funds for the marker through plant sales, raffles, and support from sponsors—Pelican Landing Dental and Driftwood Gardens Center—in order to purchase the marker. The City of Bonita Springs donated the ground and placement of the marker.
The Blue Star Memorial Program honors service men and women.
The Blue Star Marker Program has been expanded to include all men and women who served, were serving, or would serve in the armed services of the United States. The Blue Star became an icon in World War II.
The purpose of the Blue Star Memorial Highway program is to erect highway markers at roadside rest stops, vista points historical sites, and other appropriate areas to pay tribute to all who have served, those who are presently serving, and those who will serve in the nation’s armed forces.

Gulf Coast Garden Club members and guests with the newly dedicated Blue Star Marker on Old 41 in Bonita Springs.
For more information about GCGC go to the website
or email
Additional Information sent for media release follows
The First Blue Star Marker in Bonita Springs was dedicated March 29th, 2021. The Gulf Coast Garden Club had been working very hard with the city and raising the money for the sign dedicated to our Armed Forces. In 1945, the National Council of State Garden Clubs. Inc. approved the Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker program. Rt. 41 is a Blue Star Memorial Highway. The purpose of the Blue Star Memorial Highway project is to erect highway markers at roadside rest stops, vista points, historical sites. and other appropriate areas to pay tribute to all who have served, those who are presently serving, and those who will serve in the nation’s armed forces.

photo #1 The Blue Star Mothers-Barbara Salkow and Gold Star wife and GCGC member Karen Faye standing together by the Blue Star marker before the unfailing.

photo #2 The American Legion Post 90 presenting the colors at the beginning of the Ceremony.

Photo#3 Patricia Townsend, President of the Gulf Gulf Garden Club and Marge Hendon, FFGC President accept and start the dedication of the Marker.

Photo #4 The Mayor, Rick Steinmeyer, accepts the National Garden Clubs, INC. Certificate of the Blue Star Marker from Marge Hendon, FFGC President.

Photo #5 Tony Principato, Bugler BSA Troop 109. Bonita Springs blew Taps

Photo #6 Group photo of GCGC members and guests by newly dedicated Blue Star Marker on Old 41 in Bonita Springs