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Horticulture Rules

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South Florida Gardening, by Chase Landre

  1. Entries must be grown by exhibitor. Plants musty have been in the exhibitor’s possession for at least 90 days.
  2. Entries must be pre-registered with Dale DeFeo.
  3. Containers to be no more than size as specified by schedule in inches in any diameter.
  4. Double potting is permitted within the size as specified in the schedule inch limit.  Only one specimen to a container. Natural multiplication from a single root system will be considered a single specimen.
  5. More than one entry per class made by an exhibitor provided each is a different cultivar, type, form, or color.
  6. All specimens must be clean and free of disease and insects.  Any plant having these faults will be removed by the classification committee.
  7. Entries must be labeled with the correct botanical name (genus & species, variety, and cultivar, when possible) the common name is recommended.
  8. A cut specimen must be displayed in a clear glass container appropriate to the size of the specimen and provided by the exhibitor or committee with a maximum length of 30’”.  Clear wedging is permitting.
  9. The committee reserves the right to combine or divide classes.
  10. The scales of points for horticulture are in chapter 14 of the handbook for flower shows.
  11. A plant considered as a flowering plant, should be exhibited as a flowering plant.  Foliage plants may flower but should be exhibited as foliage plants.
  12. Plants specified as in a class designation in the schedule may not be entered in any other worthy class.

General Rules

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  1. The handbook for Flower Shows, 2017 Edition and updates, shall be used as authority.
  2. The SCHEDULE is the law of the show.
  3. The National Garden Clubs, Standard System of Awarding will be used.
  4. All Horticultural and Design entries MUST be preregistered.
  5. Only Gulf Coast Garden Club members may enter the show.
  6. Neither the Lee County Library, the Bonita Springs Library, or the Gulf Coast Garden Club will be responsible for damage or loss of property.
  7. All entries must be approved by the Classification committees.  Entries not conforming to the SCHEDULE requirements or not of show quality will be refused by the committee.
  8. Entries will be accepted NOON to 5PM, Thursday, February 23, 2023, and 9AM to 10:30AM Friday, February 24, 2023.
  9. Judging will commence 11AM Friday, February 24, 2023.
  10. All entries must be removed between 3PM – 4PM on Saturday, February 25, 2023.
  11. The decision of the judges is final.
  12. There must be an emphasis on fresh plant material.  No artificial plant material is permitted in any exhibit in any division.
  13. Plants listed on the FLORIDA EXOTIC INVASIVE PLANT list are prohibited in the show.  List is available at HTTP/FRESH from Florida plants. 
  14. Classification chairman will check exhibits for conformity to the SCHEDULE.
  15. General Chairman, Classification Chairman, Judges and Clerks are the only personal allowed on the floor during judging.

Educational Exhibits

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Division III – Educational Exhibits – The Well-Educated Mind, Susan Wise Bauer


  1. Membership, Gulf Coast Garden Club, Please Join Us, Catherine McKenzie
  • Blue Star Memorial, Veteran Voices, Robert H Miller and Andrew Wake Ford

The Displays are not to be judged:

  1. They are to inform the public about goals and objectives about the National Council Clubs.
  • They are to promote civic educational services and beautification, and to encourage improvements of roadsides and parks.


Displayed on a trifold 36”x 24” table supplied by committee, placed on a table size 6’X24” covered with ivory cloth.

Plant Sale August 21, 2022

Sunday, August 28 8 am — 2 pm
Huge Plant Sale by Jenny the Plant Lady
27451 Elwood Drive, Bonita Springs

Corner of Ragsdale—Suzy Valentine’s back garden!
Great variety of plants, small to huge.
Many rare and unusual.
Get your horticulture for next season’s flower shows!
Make your home and garden more beautiful.
Just enjoy plants and people!!!