Berne Davis Gardens open on Tuesdays

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The Berne Davis Botanical Garden, 2166 Virginia Ave., Fort Myers, is open for Tuesday morning garden walks beginning October13, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and continuing into May.  Admission and parking are both free; handicap parking is on Virginia Avenue; regular parking is on Larchmont Avenue, off of McGregor Avenue

The botanical garden is a project of the Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council, whose headquarters are at the Virginia Avenue address.    The garden has been referred to as “the most peaceful place in Fort Myers.”  The garden has been closed to the public the past months due to COVID-19, it has been maintained by the council and is ready to be enjoyed again.

 Although there won’t be docents to provide tours, guests are welcome to enjoy the garden on their own; masks are mandatory and social distancing guidelines must be adhered to.  No large groups can be accommodated and restrooms are not available.

The garden is the home of the Lorelei statue that was part of the old Fort Myers Library as well as the Mina Edison Botanical Library.  Many of the displays in the garden have been provided through the talents and contributions of the29  local garden clubs, plant societies, and other affiliate members, representing over 1,700 members which comprise the Garden Council.

The Fort Myers-Lee County Garden Council was formed in 1957.  Membership provides an opportunity to learn about floral design, growing plants suitable for our locale, and conservation methods.  The Council assists in educating and beautifying the community, and improving the environment.  A speakers bureau provides speakers for meetings and events.  The Council is a member of the National Garden Clubs, the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, and American Public Gardens Association.

 For additional information about the Council, contact the Council at or call us at  239-332-4942.